Ordinance Directory
City of London
Ordinance Number | Title | Description | View Details | 1st Reading | 2nd Reading | Published | Status |
2023-39 | Intent to Reduce and Strike the Boundaries | An Ordinance of Intent to Reduce and Strike the Boundaries of The City of London, Kentucky and Repealing Ordinances 2020-10 and 2020-17 In Their Entirety | View | 2023-10-13 | 2023-11-06 | 2023-11-15 | Published |
2024-06 | 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget | An Ordinance Adopting A Budget For The Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 Through June 30, 2025 By Estimating Revenues And Resources And Appropriating Funds For The Operation Of City Government | View | 2024-06-03 | 2024-06-12 | 2024-06-22 | Published |
2023-10 | Amending Ordinance 2022-05 - Ethics and Nepotism | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2022-05 by amending \"nepotism\" definition in employment; declaring use of public time, funds, personnel, equipment, property for private gain unethical behavior; disclosure of confidential information unethical; influence prohibited; notice of family relationship; removal of Ethics Board member; insurance; chair duties; conflict of interest; open meetings and open records application; referrals to County Attorney, Commonwealth Attorney or Kentucky Attorney General; assistance of law enforcement; lien for benefit gained; effective date. | View | 2023-01-13 | 2023-02-06 | 2023-02-15 | Published |
2002-01 | Regulating Automobile Dealers | An ordinance regulating automobile dealers within the corporate limits of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2002-02 | Annual Ad Valorem Tax | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles, and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2002-03 | Naming Sled Lane | An ordinance naming a street Sled Lane. | No file | Draft | |||
2002-04 | Waste Transfer Station Rates | An ordinance establishing rate for waste at transfer station for users other than city residents. | No file | Draft | |||
2002-05 | City Council Meeting Time | An ordinance establishing the meeting date and time of London City Council. | No file | Draft | |||
2002-06 | Naming McKinney Street | An ordinance naming a street McKinney Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-01 | Making West Third One-Way | An ordinance making West Third Street from Broad Street to Main Street a one-way street. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-02 | Rezoning Griffin Pie Company | An ordinance rezoning Griffin Pie Company, Inc., a/k/a Flowers Snack of London, LLC, property located on Locust, Fifth, and Robinson Streets from residential to industrial zone. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-03 | Rezoning Tazoberry Park Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Tazoberry Park, LLC, which is located on West Fifth Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-04 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004, by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-05 | Closing East Tenth Street | An ordinance closing a public passway known as East Tenth Street and closing a portion of the public passway known as Hill Street from East Eleventh Street to Maple Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-06 | Code Supplement Adoption | An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-07 | Establishing Full-Time Mayor Position | An ordinance establishing the position of Mayor of the City of London, Kentucky as a full-time position and setting the minimum compensation of full-time mayor. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-08 | Establishing Restaurant Sales Tax | An ordinance establishing a restaurant retail sales tax. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-09 | Reestablishing Utility Commission | An ordinance reestablishing and recreating the London City Utility Commission; establishing the number of commissioners, terms and conditions of appointment and requirements of commissioners; oath of office, insurance, quorum of meetings, removal from office; duties and responsibilities of commission; guidelines, policies budget, expenses and rates of service; approval of rates and services by city council; financial authority; annual audit requirement; employees of the commission; bidding and procurement practices; meeting dates and times; minutes of meetings; previous agreements and contracts; delegation of authority; severability; prior ordinances and effective date and repealing Ordinance No. 981. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-10 | Prohibiting Vehicle Abandonment | An ordinance prohibiting abandonment of vehicles, restricting the disposition of keeping of wrecked, non-operating, or discarded vehicles on streets or private property; and providing for impounding of certain vehicles. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-11 | Rezoning Blankenship Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Blankenship and Brummett Investment, Inc., which is located on Melcon Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-12 | Rezoning Byrd Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Eugene Byrd and Mary Byrd which is located on Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-13 | Declaring Cook Tire Lane | An ordinance declaring street adjacent to Cook Tire a city street and naming the same Cook Tire Lane. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-14 | Ad Valorem Tax for Motor Vehicles | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-15 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-16 | Rezoning Gilpin Construction Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Gilpin Construction Company which is located on East Ninth Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-17 | Rezoning Yaden Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Rufus Yaden and Dortha Yaden which is located at 820 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-18 | Rezoning Begley Properties | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Begley Properties, LLC, which is located at 735 Myers-Baker Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-19 | Amending Ordinance 2003-10 | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2003-10 entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting Abandonment of Vehicles; Restricting the Disposition of Keeping of Wrecked, Non-Operating, or Discarded Vehicles on Streets or Private Property; and Providing for Impounding of Certain Vehicles," and imposing a fine for violation of the ordinance. | No file | Draft | |||
2003-20 | Voluntary Annexation - Moonbow Property | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of property owned by Moonbow Investments, LLC located near the west side of I-74 and Highway 80 intersection. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-01 | Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance | An ordinance providing for flood damage prevention. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-02 | Amending Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget | An ordinance amending a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-03 | Voluntary Annexation - SDD Property | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of adjoining properties owned by SDD, LLC and London-Laurel County Tourist Commission, located near the west side of I-75 and Highway 80 intersection. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-04 | Adopting Public Works Job Descriptions | An ordinance adopting job descriptions for the public works department of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-05 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-06 | Rezoning London-Laurel Tourist Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by London-Laurel County Tourist Commission, which is located at North Mill Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-07 | Rezoning Begley Properties | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Begley Properties, LLC which is located at Myers-Baker Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-08 | Rezoning Cunnagin Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Willis Cunnagin and Flora Cunnagin which is located at West Fifth Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-09 | Rezoning Young Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Don Lane Young and Jonnie Jean Young which is located at 160 Fernwood Drive, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-10 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Estate | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real estate. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-11 | Ad Valorem Tax on Vehicles and Motorboats | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-12 | Adopting Code Supplement | An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-13 | Renaming Sipple Street to Fire Rescue Drive | An ordinance changing the name of Sipple Street to Fire Rescue Drive. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-14 | Closing Public Passway | An ordinance closing an unnamed public passway in the City of London located between property owned by the Housing Authority of London and Jacquelyn McFadden. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-15 | Rezoning Kelaco Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Kelaco, LLC which is located on Moren Road and Daniel Boone Parkway, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-16 | Rezoning Knight Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Robert Knight and Renee Knight which is located at 750 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2004-17 | Amending Ordinance 1010 - Water and Sewer Fees | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1010 entitled "A Comprehensive Ordinance Establishing the Rates, Charges and Fees for Water Service and Sewer Service Supplied to Customers of the City of London." | No file | Draft | |||
2005-01 | Regulating Alcohol Sales | An ordinance regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages within the city limits. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-02 | Closing Portion of Senator Lane | An ordinance closing a portion of Senator Lane, a public passway in the City of London located between property owned by Dan Robinson and Glenda Robinson and Elmer Cunnagin. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-03 | Voluntary Annexation - Laurel Co. Board of Ed | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of property owned by the Laurel County Board of Ed located at the intersection of Kentucky State Route 472 and the Daniel Boone Parkway. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-04 | Erosion and Storm Water Control | An ordinance establishing erosion and storm water control. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-05 | Amending Ordinance 968 - Cable Franchise Fee | An ordinance amending Section 9(B) of Ordinance No. 968 to increase the franchise fee from three percent (3%) of the cable television operator's gross revenues in the City of London, Kentucky, to five percent (5%) of the cable television operator's gross revenues in the City of London. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-06 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-07 | Closing Pennington Avenue | An ordinance closing a public passway known as Pennington Avenue. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-08 | Establishing Fire Chief Position | An ordinance establishing the position of London Fire Chief. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-09 | Rezoning Jones Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Douglas R. Jones, which is located on Hal Rogers Parkway and Moren Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-10 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-11 | Ad Valorem Tax on Vehicles and Motorboats | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-12 | Rezoning Hope Industries Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Hope Industries, LLC, which is located on East Fourth Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2005-13 | Closing Senator Lane | An ordinance closing a portion of Senator Lane, a public passway in the City of London located between property owned by Dan Robinson and Elmer Cunnagin and Jean Cunnagin. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-01 | Rezoning Wyatt Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Jerry Wyatt and Rita Wyatt which is located at 507 Minton Drive, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-02 | Rezoning Martin Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Jeremy Martin and Jennifer Martin which is located at Hampton Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-03 | Closing Public Passway Near Dan Fischer Property | An ordinance closing a public passway in the City of London located between the property owned by Dan Fischer. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-04 | Rezoning Cochran Estate Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by the Estate of Billie Cochran, which is located at 815 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-05 | Rezoning Daly Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Lawrence Daly, Jr., and Mary D. Daly, which is located at 811 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-06 | Rezoning Sizemore Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Ralph Sizemore and Linda Sizemore which is located at 840 Aliff Lane, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-07 | Rezoning Westerfield Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Carl Westerfield and Gretha Westerfield which is located at 718 Jervis Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-08 | Closing Undeveloped Roadway | An ordinance closing an undeveloped roadway, a public passway in the City of London located between property owned by Dual Mac, Ltd, South Plaza, LLC and Jerry Hollon and Laura M. Hollon. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-09 | Banning Skateboards on City Streets | An ordinance banning skateboards from use on city streets and sidewalks in the City of London and from public and private property without written consent of the property owners. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-10 | Establishing Pretreatment Water Quality Limits | An ordinance establishing pretreatment limitations relating to water quality, wastewater treatment plant operations and sludge quality of "Type B" sludge. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-11 | Rezoning Cornett Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Ray E. Cornett and Rodette Cornett which is located at 740 and 728 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-12 | Rezoning Walden Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by William David Walden which is located at 469 Falls Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-13 | Rezoning Adams Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Stephen Adams and Carole Adams which is located at 455 Falls Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-14 | Rezoning Gaines Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by James T. Gaines and Shirley Gaines which is located at 461 Falls Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-15 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-16 | Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance | An ordinance providing for flood damage prevention. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-17 | Rezoning Watkins Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by John Watkins and Doris Watkins which is located at 550 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-18 | Rezoning MRK Enterprises Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by MRK Enterprises, Inc., which is located on South Main Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-19 | Establishing Erosion and Storm Water Control | An ordinance establishing erosion and storm water control. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-20 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Estate | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real estate. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-21 | Ad Valorem Tax on Vehicles and Motorboats | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-22 | Rezoning Davidson Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Sallie Davidson which is located at the intersection of Minton Drive and John House Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-23 | Control of Soil Erosion | An ordinance for control of soil erosion. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-24 | Rezoning Heirs Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by George Heirs located at Hal Rogers Parkway and Kentucky Highway 472, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-25 | Closing Undeveloped Roadway - Binder Property | An ordinance closing an undeveloped roadway, a public passway in the City of London located between property owned by Rocky Binder. | No file | Draft | |||
2006-26 | Rezoning Jackson Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Chris Jackson and Staci Smith Jackson located at Fifth Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-01 | Naming Castle Drive | An ordinance naming a street Castle Drive. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-02 | Closing Portion of Second Street | An ordinance closing a portion of Second Street in the City of London located between Main Street and Broad Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-03 | Rezoning Bargo Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Doug Bargo and Sandy Bargo located at Tobacco Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-04 | Comprehensive Water and Sewer Fees Ordinance | An ordinance entitled "A Comprehensive Ordinance Establishing the Rates, Charges and Fees for Water Service and Sewer Service." | No file | Draft | |||
2007-05 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-06 | Closing Roadway in Lilly Robinson Subdivision | An ordinance closing an undeveloped roadway, a public passway in the City of London in the Lilly Robinson Subdivision. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-07 | Amending Ordinance 2003-09 - Utility Commission | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2003-09, entitled "An ordinance establishing and recreating the London City Utility Commission, establishing the commissioners, terms, and conditions of appointment and requirements." | No file | Draft | |||
2007-08 | Closing Roadway on Sixth Street | An ordinance closing an undeveloped roadway in the City of London on Sixth Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-09 | Rezoning Byrley Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Randolph and Betty Lou Byrley located at 719 Whitley Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-10 | Rezoning Deaton Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Jerry Deaton located at 723 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-11 | Rezoning Cook Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Gail Cook at 727 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-12 | Rezoning Gambrel Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Billy D. Gambrel at 705 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-13 | Establishing Rules for Garbage Disposal | An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the disposal of garbage, trash, and other articles and substances in the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-14 | Regulating Wireless Telecommunications | An ordinance regulating the siting of wireless telecommunications facilities. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-15 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-16 | Ad Valorem Tax on Vehicles and Motorboats | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2007-17 | Regulating Zoning Designation Requests | An ordinance regulating property owner requests for a change in zoning designation. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-01 | Addressing Blighted Properties | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky, relating to blighted and deteriorated properties within the city limits, authorizing the acquisition by eminent domain of such properties, and establishing a vacant property review commission. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-02 | Naming Emeco Way | An ordinance naming a street Emeco Way. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-03 | Voluntary Annexation - Saint Joseph Property | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of property owned by Saint Joseph-London, located on Parker Road. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-04 | Voluntary Annexation - West London Baptist Church | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of property owned by West London Baptist Church located on Parker Road. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-05 | Amending Ordinance 2008-01 - Blighted Properties | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2008-01 entitled "An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky, relating to blighted and deteriorated properties within the city limits, authorizing the acquisition by eminent domain of such properties, and establishing a vacant property review commission." | No file | Draft | |||
2008-06 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-07 | Adopting Code Supplement | An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2008-08 | Imposition of Occupational License Tax | An ordinance relating to the imposition and administration of an occupational license requirement, and payment of an occupational license tax by persons and business entities conducting businesses, occupations, and professions within the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-01 | Establishing Property Maintenance Code | An ordinance establishing the minimum regulations governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings, and structures; by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use and the demolition of such structures; known as the Property Maintenance Code. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-02 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-03 | Prohibiting Smoking in Public Buildings | An ordinance prohibiting smoking in all buildings open to the public or used as workplaces. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-04 | Renaming Tony Smith Lane to Easy Street | An ordinance changing the name of Tony Smith Lane to Easy Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-05 | Rezoning Robinson Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Carl Robinson and Jerald Robinson located at 705 Owen Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-06 | Establishing Reconnect Fee and Sewer Rates | A comprehensive ordinance establishing the reconnect fee and recognizing existing water and sewer rates. | No file | Draft | |||
2009-07 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats, and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2010-01 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2010-02 | Establishing a Drug-Free Workplace | An ordinance establishing a drug-free workplace. | No file | Draft | |||
2010-03 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats, and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2010-04 | Renaming Emeco Way to Liperote Way | An ordinance changing the name of Emeco Way to Liperote Way. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-01 | Rezoning Petrey Property | A summary of Ordinance No. 2011-01 entitled an ordinance rezoning property owned by William Todd Petrey located at 1806 North Hill Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-02 | Rezoning Caldwell Property | A summary of Ordinance No. 2011-02 entitled an ordinance rezoning property owned by Mike Caldwell and Karen Caldwell located at McWhorter Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-03 | Regulating Business Practices (Not Passed) | An ordinance regulating business practices within the City of London, Kentucky (Not Passed nor Published). | No file | Draft | |||
2011-04 | Establishing Property Maintenance Code | An ordinance establishing the minimum regulations governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings, and structures. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-05 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-06 | Adopting Incentive Program for Training | An ordinance adopting an incentive program for city officials to obtain training related to city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-07 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property and Vehicles | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles, et al. | No file | Draft | |||
2011-08 | Creating Franchise for Electric Facilities (KU) | An ordinance creating a franchise for the erection, laying, and maintenance of electric facilities and appurtenant facilities (KU Ordinance). | No file | Draft | |||
2011-09 | Sewer Use Ordinance | An ordinance of the City of London concerning the use of the municipal sanitary sewage collection and treatment system (Sewer Use Ordinance). | No file | Amended | |||
2012-01 | Regulating Domestic Animals | An ordinance regulating the number of dogs and cats allowed at residences in residentially zoned areas within the City of London, chickens, restraints of dogs, barking dogs, cleanliness of dog enclosures, requirement of sanitary disposal of animal feces, prohibition against other animals at Chicken Festival and fines and penalties. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-02 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-03 | Establishing Parking Fines | An ordinance establishing parking fines, prescribing new parking fees and fines. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-04 | Adopting Code Supplement | An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the Code of Ordinances of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-05 | Amending Ordinance 2012-03 - Parking Fines | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2012-03 entitled "An ordinance establishing parking fines, prescribing new parking fees and fines." | No file | Draft | |||
2012-06 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property and Vehicles | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats, and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-07 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 734 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 734 dated October 13, 1983. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-08 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 907 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 907 dated June 17, 1996. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-09 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 948 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 948 dated December 2, 1998. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-10 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 984 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 984 dated December 27, 2000. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-11 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 985 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 985 dated December 27, 2000. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-12 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 2003-20 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 2003-20 dated January 9, 2004. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-13 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 2004-03 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 2004-03 dated June 14, 2004. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-14 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 2005-03 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 2005-03 dated April 8, 2005. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-15 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 2008-03 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 2008-03 dated June 6, 2008. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-16 | Confirming Annexation Ordinance 2008-04 | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky confirming annexation of Ordinance 2008-04 dated June 6, 2008. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-17 | Rezoning TLC Lane Property | An ordinance rezoning properties owned by the City of London, Kentucky at TLC Lane and East Highway 192, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-18 | Rezoning Fire Department Properties | An ordinance rezoning properties owned by the City of London, Kentucky owned by Laurel County Fire Department, Inc., at TLC Lane and East Fourth Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2012-19 | Establishing Personnel Policies and Procedures | A comprehensive ordinance establishing personnel policies and procedures and repealing Ordinance No. 967. | No file | Amended | |||
2012-20 | Voluntary Annexation - Laurel Co. Board of Education | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of property owned by the Laurel County Board of Education, located at the intersection of Kentucky State Route 472 and the Daniel Boone Parkway. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-01 | Amending Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget | An ordinance amending a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-02 | Amending Rules for Garbage Pickup and Disposal | An ordinance amending the rules and regulations for the pickup and disposal of garbage, trash, and other articles and substances in the City of London with classifications of service and applicable service rates, and providing penalties for violation of this ordinance and establishing rental fees for businesses that use city-owned dumpsters and compactors and repealing Ordinance No. 972. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-03 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-04 | Adopting Kentucky Model Procurement Code (Not Published) | An ordinance adopting the Kentucky Model Procurement Code as set forth in KRS 45A.343-45A.460 (This was not published). | No file | Draft | |||
2013-05 | Regulating Part-Time Police Officers | An ordinance regulating part-time police officers. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-06 | Establishing Tourism and Convention Commission | An ordinance establishing a tourism and convention commission for the purpose of promoting and developing convention and tourism activities and facilities and establishing an effective date upon publication and severability. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-07 | Rezoning Connor Property (605 Whitley Street) | An ordinance rezoning property owned by James Robert Connor and Mary Louise Connor located at 605 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-08 | Rezoning Connor Property (611 Whitley Street) | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Mary Louise Connor located at 611 Whitley Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-09 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property and Vehicles | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles, and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-10 | Rezoning Johnson Property (1864 North Mill Street) | An ordinance rezoning property owned by James R. Johnson located at 1864 North Mill Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-11 | Rezoning Sawyers Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Bertie L. Sawyers located at 1869 and 1871 North Mill Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-12 | Rezoning Johnson Property (1868 North Mill Street) | An ordinance rezoning property owned by James C. Johnson and Sarah C. Johnson located at 1868 North Mill Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2013-13 | Rezoning Parsley Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by James R. Parsley and Mary Parsley located at 1867 North Mill Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-01 | Regulating Use of Signs for Cellular Devices | An ordinance regulating the use of off-premises and on-premises signs (billboards) for cellular transmitting devices. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-02 | Renaming Nami Plaza Street | An ordinance changing the name of Nami Plaza Street to Fortress Properties Street. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-03 | Accepting Jordan Drive | An ordinance accepting a street named Jordan Drive. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-04 | Restablishing Restaurant Sales Tax | An ordinance reestablishing a restaurant retail sales tax. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-05 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-06 | Closing Portion of North Hill Street | An ordinance closing a portion of an undeveloped northwest portion of North Hill Street in the City of London located between property owned by Les and Cynthia Cupp Barrett; Kenny L. Nance and Shirley A. Nance; and Charles J. Felts and Deborah E. Felts. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-07 | Ad Valorem Tax on Real Property and Vehicles | An ordinance levying annual ad valorem tax on real estate, motor vehicles and motorboats, and other personal property. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-08 | Rezoning Blankenship and Lee Investments Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Blankenship and Lee Investments, Inc., at Binder Drive, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-09 | Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance | An ordinance for flood damage prevention for the City of London, KY. | No file | Draft | |||
2014-10 | Establishing Rules for Garbage and Recycling | An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for the pickup and disposal of garbage, trash, recycling, and other articles and substances. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-01 | Amending Ordinance 2011-06 - Training Incentive Program | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2011-06 entitled \"An ordinance adopting an incentive program for city officials to obtain training related to city government.\" | No file | Amended | |||
2015-02 | Amending Ordinance 2015-01 - Regulating Alcohol Sales | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2015-01 regulating the sale of alcohol beverages within the City of London. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-03 | Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance | An ordinance for flood damage prevention. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-04 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-05 | Rezoning Sue Bennett Hill Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Sue Bennett Hill, LLC at Fifth Street and College Street, London, KY. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-06 | Amending Ordinance 917 - Development Ordinance | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 917 entitled "An ordinance enacting a new development ordinance for the City of London by amending the uses allowed for health services in business district or commercial zoned districts of C-1, C-2 and C-3 to allow behavioral health services organizations, alcohol and other drug treatment entities, substance abuse treatment facilities, and special health care clinics." | No file | Draft | |||
2015-07 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-08 | Rezoning Westerfield Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by David Westerfield and Karen Westerfield at 507 Taylor Drive and 508 Taylor Drive and the intersection of West Fifth Street and Taylor Drive, London, KY. | No file | Draft | |||
2015-09 | Updating Pay/Classification Plan | An ordinance updating the City of London's pay/classification plan. | No file | Draft | |||
2016-01 | Development Ordinance (Not Passed) | A summary of an ordinance entitled "Development Ordinance for the City of London" - This was not passed. | No file | Draft | |||
2016-02 | Regulating Alcoholic Beverage Licensing | An ordinance establishing regulations and requirements for the licensing and operation of establishments for the sale of alcoholic beverages within the City of London, Kentucky and providing for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance. | No file | Amended | |||
2016-03 | Summary of Alcohol Sales Ordinance | A summary of an ordinance regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages within the city limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Amended | |||
2016-04 | Development Ordinance | An ordinance establishing a development ordinance. | No file | Draft | |||
2016-05 | Establishing Mobile Food Vendor Pilot Program | An ordinance establishing a six (6) month limited pilot program for certain mobile food unit vendors to lawfully operate in designated street parking areas and providing for licensing; compliance with ordinance and program requirements; food vending zones; hours of operation; insurance; and fines not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each violation; all effective upon date of publication. | No file | Draft | |||
2016-06 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year 2016-2017. | No file | Draft | |||
2016-07 | London Corbin Airport Annexation | An ordinance regarding the London Corbin Airport annexation. | No file | Draft | |||
2016-08 | Amending Ordinance 2016-02 - Alcoholic Beverages Licensing | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2016-02 entitled "An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky establishing regulations and requirements for the licensing and operation of establishments for the sale of alcoholic beverages within the City of London, Kentucky and providing for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance." | No file | Draft | |||
2016-09 | Amending Ordinance 2016-03 - Alcoholic Beverages Regulation | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2016-03 entitled "An ordinance regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages within the city limits of London, Kentucky." | No file | Draft | |||
2016-10 | Establishing A.R. Dyche Memorial Park Cemetery Board | An ordinance establishing the A.R. Dyche Memorial Park Cemetery Board. | No file | Amended | |||
2016-11 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes. | No file | Draft | |||
2017-01 | Establishing Storm Sewer Maintenance Easements | An ordinance establishing maintenance easements for storm sewer lines for soil erosion detention ponds or basins, requiring maintenance by owner of soil erosion detention ponds, authorization to charge owners for maintenance of detention ponds or basins, payment by owner for maintenance, liens and interest for maintenance work performed by city. | No file | Amended | |||
2017-02 | Fire Safety Inspections by Fire Department | An ordinance allowing the City of London Fire Department to conduct fire safety plan inspections of businesses in the City of London and contents of the inspection report. | No file | Draft | |||
2017-03 | Closing Unnamed Street in City of London | An ordinance closing a portion of an undeveloped unnamed street in the City of London located between property owned by Michael Dale Gilpin and Linda K. Gilpin, Heather Roberts Manning and Queentessa Manning, Michael Carpenter and Leisa Carpenter, and Brenda L. Morgan. | No file | Draft | |||
2017-09 | Regulating Alcohol Quota Licenses | An ordinance regulating quota retail drink licenses, regulatory alcohol beverage advertisement, penalties, enforcement, conflicts, appeals, and effective date. | No file | Amended | |||
2017-10 | Establishing Mobile Food Vendor Licensing | An ordinance for mobile self-contained food unit vendors to operate in designated public areas and on private property and providing for licensing; compliance with ordinance and program requirements; food vending zones; hours of operation; insurance; and fines not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each violation; all effective upon date of publication. | No file | Amended | |||
2017-11 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2017-12 | Voluntary Annexation - Levi Jackson State Park | An ordinance of voluntary annexation into the corporate city limits of the City of London, Kentucky, an area of property owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Parks, Levi Jackson Wilderness Road State Park, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Transportation, located at the intersection of Kentucky State Route 229 and Kentucky State Route 1006. | No file | Draft | |||
2017-13 | Amending Ordinance 2017-01 - Maintenance Easements | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2017-01 entitled "An ordinance establishing maintenance easements for storm sewer lines for soil erosion detention ponds or basins, requiring maintenance by owners of soil erosion detention ponds, record keeping of maintenance for detention ponds, authorization to charge owners for maintenance of detention ponds or basins, payment by owner for maintenance, liens and interest for maintenance work performed by city, indemnification and hold harmless agreement by owner to city, agreement by owner for inspection of maintenance records or books of owner, requirements of maintenance records and contents; annual report and contents of annual report required by owner to city." | No file | Draft | |||
2018-01 | Amending Ordinance 2011-09 - Sewer Use Ordinance | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2011-09 entitled: "An ordinance of the City of London concerning the use of the municipal sanitary sewage collection and treatment system, setting forth policy, definitions, rules and regulations, regarding the use of said system, controlling private wastewater disposal, governing the building of sewers and connections, pollutant discharge limits, pretreatment program administration, establishing the right of the city to charge fees for administering the city's reasonably necessary functions related to sewer use, and delineating powers and authority of inspectors and setting forth the methods and procedures of enforcement of the ordinance and penalties for violation of same and repealing prior ordinances." | No file | Draft | |||
2018-02 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2018-03 | Adopting Development Ordinance | An ordinance adopting a development ordinance for the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2018-04 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2018-05 | Renaming Amarillo Drive to Shiloh Drive | An ordinance changing the name of Amarillo Drive to Shiloh Drive. | No file | Draft | |||
2018-06 | Naming Van House Lane | An ordinance naming an unnamed street Van House Lane. | No file | Draft | |||
2019-01 | Amending Ordinance 2017-09 - Alcohol Quota Licenses | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2017-09 entitled "An ordinance regulating quota retail drink licenses, regulatory alcohol beverage advertisement, penalties, enforcement, conflicts, appeals, and effective date." | No file | Draft | |||
2019-02 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the city of London. | No file | Draft | |||
2019-03 | Regulating Fireworks in City Limits | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky regulating the sale and use of fireworks in the City of London. | No file | Draft | |||
2019-04 | Repealing Ordinance 673 - Housing Practices and Human Rights Commission | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky repealing Ordinance No. 673 entitled "An ordinance of the City of London relating to unfair housing practices, financial practices and blockbusting and creating a local human rights commission." | No file | Draft | |||
2019-05 | Prohibiting Booth Sales During Chicken Festival | An ordinance prohibiting the selling or vending of goods from booths within the city limits of London, Kentucky, during the days of the World Chicken Festival except as authorized by the World Chicken Festival, Inc. | No file | Amended | |||
2019-06 | Amending Ordinance 673 - Housing Practices | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 673 entitled "An ordinance of the City of London relating to unfair housing practices, financial practices and blockbusting and creating a local human rights commission." | No file | Draft | |||
2019-07 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2019-08 | Establishing Reconnect Fees and Water Rates | An ordinance establishing reconnect fees and establishing water and sewer rates. | No file | Draft | |||
2019-09 | Amending Ordinance 2019-05 - Booth Sales | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2019-05 entitled "An ordinance prohibiting the selling or vending of goods from booths within the city limits of London, Kentucky, during the days of the World Chicken Festival except as authorized by the World Chicken Festival, Inc." | No file | Draft | |||
2019-10 | Establishing Code Enforcement Board | An ordinance of the City of London establishing a Code Enforcement Board. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-01 | Regulating Public Right of Way | An ordinance regulating the public right of way in London, KY. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-02 | Creating Non-Exclusive Gas Franchise | An ordinance creating and establishing for bid a non-exclusive gas franchise for the placement of facilities for the transmission, distribution and sale of gas for heating and other purposes within the public rights of way of the City of London. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-03 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-04 | Rezoning Philpot Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Donnie Lee Philpot and Neva Philpot at Armory Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-05 | Rezoning Hostetter Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Lauren Hostetter and Linda Hostetter at Rebecca Lane, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-06 | Repealing and Replacing Ordinance 2019-10 | An ordinance repealing and replacing Ordinance No. 2019-10 entitled "An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky establishing a Code Enforcement Board." | No file | Draft | |||
2020-07 | Amending Development Ordinance 2018-03 | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2018-03 entitled "Development Ordinance for the City of London, Kentucky." | No file | Draft | |||
2020-08 | Intent to Annex Property Owned by Elmo Greer and Sons | An ordinance of intent to annex an area of property owned by Elmo Greer and Sons, Inc., and Elmo Greer and Sons, LLC, located at the intersection of Kentucky Highway 192 and Esquire Lane. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-09 | Intent to Annex Property at I-75 and West Cumberland Gap Parkway | An ordinance of intent to annex an area of property in the right of way of Interstate Highway 75, an area in the West Cumberland Gap Parkway and an area in Kentucky Route 770, and private property owned by G & M Oil Company Inc., located at the intersection of Interstate 75 and West Cumberland Gap Parkway. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-10 | Creating Non-Exclusive Telecommunications Franchise | An ordinance of the City of London creating and establishing for bid a non-exclusive telecommunications (or related non-cable) franchise for the placement of facilities for the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of telecommunications or related non-cable services within the public rights-of-way of the City of London for a ten (10) year duration; and providing for compliance with other relevant laws, regulations, standards, and ordinances. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-11 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-12 | Classification of Property for Annexation | An ordinance levying classification of property subject to intent to annex Ordinance #2020-09. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-14 | Amending Zoning Map for Annexed Property | An ordinance amending the zoning map of the City of London by assigning the zoning classification of property subject to intent to annex Ordinance #2020-10 (an area of property in the right-of-way of Interstate Highway 75, an area in the West Cumberland Gap Parkway (Highway 25-E), and an area in Kentucky Route 770, and private property owned by G&M Oil Company, Inc. located at the intersection of Interstate 75 and West Cumberland Gap Parkway). | No file | Draft | |||
2020-15 | Curbside Shredding Services Ordinance | An ordinance for curbside shredding services for businesses in the City of London. | No file | Amended | |||
2020-16 | Final Annexation of Elmo Greer Property | An ordinance finally annexing an area of property owned by Elmo Greer and Sons, Inc., and Elmo Greer and Sons, LLC, located at the intersection of Kentucky Highway 192 and Esquire Lane. | No file | Draft | |||
2020-17 | Final Annexation of Property at I-75 and Cumberland Gap Parkway | An ordinance finally annexing an area of property in the right-of-way of Interstate Highway 75, an area in the West Cumberland Gap Parkway (Highway 25-E), and an area in Kentucky Route 770, and private property owned by G&M Oil Company, Inc. located at the intersection of Interstate 75 and West Cumberland Gap Parkway. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-02 | Amending Ordinance 2012-19 - Ethics for City Officials | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2012-19 entitled "An ordinance relating to the establishment of ethics for city officials and employees in the City of London, Kentucky." | No file | Draft | |||
2021-03 | Renaming Fountaine Lane to Fountaine Drive | An ordinance changing the name of Fountaine Lane to Fountaine Drive. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-04 | Establishing Position of London Fire Chief | An ordinance establishing the position of London Fire Chief. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-05 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-06 | Establishing Code of Ethics | An ordinance establishing a code of ethics for city officers and employees in the City of London, Kentucky, definitions, and City Ethics Board. | No file | Amended | |||
2021-07 | Rezoning K&K Storage Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by K&K Storage, LLC at East Hal Rogers Parkway and Tobacco Road, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-08 | Adopting Training Incentive Program for Officials | An ordinance adopting an incentive program for city officials to obtain training related to city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-09 | Regulating Adult Entertainment Establishments | An ordinance regulating adult entertainment establishments in the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Amended | |||
2021-11 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-12 | Rezoning Handy Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Jason Handy located at 504 Sulfridge Drive, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2021-13 | Establishing Office of City Clerk | An ordinance establishing the office of City Clerk as a non-elected appointed position, oath of office, bond and insurance, responsibilities and duties, qualifications, duties of City Clerk as human resource officer, city purchasing agent, handling city elections, special election responsibilities, residency requirement and procedure for removal from office, KRS 83A.130 and appeal. | No file | Amended | |||
2021-14 | Amending Ordinance 2021-09 - Regulating Adult Entertainment Establishments | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2021-09 entitled "An ordinance regulating adult entertainment establishments in the City of London, Kentucky." | No file | Draft | |||
2022-01 | Creating Non-Exclusive Electric Franchise (20 Years) | An ordinance creating and establishing for bid a non-exclusive electric franchise for the placement of facilities for the transmission, distribution and sale of electrical energy within the public right-of-way of the City of London for a twenty (20) year duration, imposing a franchise fee of five percent (5%) of franchisee's gross receipts per year from the franchisee's sale of electricity to electric-consuming entities inside the City of London corporate limits and further providing for compliance with relevant laws, regulations and standards; indemnification; insurance; cancellation or termination; and bid requirements; all effective on date of passage. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-02 | Creating Non-Exclusive Electric Franchise (10 Years) | An ordinance creating and establishing for bid a non-exclusive electric franchise for the placement of facilities for the transmission, distribution and sale of electrical energy within the public right-of-way of the City of London for a ten (10) year duration, imposing a franchise fee of three percent (3%) of franchisee's gross receipts per year from the franchisee's sale of electricity to electric-consuming entities inside the City of London corporate limits and further providing for compliance with relevant laws, regulations and standards; indemnification; insurance; cancellation or termination; and bid requirements; all effective on date of passage. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-03 | Adopting Development Ordinance | An ordinance entitled development ordinance for the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-04 | Intent to Annex Property at State Highway 192 | An ordinance of intent to annex an area of property in the right-of-way of Kentucky State Route 192 and private property owned by True Choice Development, LLC. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-05 | Amending Ordinance 2021-06 - Establishing Code of Ethics | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2021-06 entitled \"An ordinance establishing a code of ethics for city officers and employees in the City of London, Kentucky, definitions and City Ethics Board.\" | No file | Amended | |||
2022-06 | Rezoning Sheffield Properties Inc. | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Sheffield Properties Inc. at Sheffield Place, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-07 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-08 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | View | 2022-06-22 | 2022-06-24 | 2022-06-29 | Published |
2022-09 | Establishing Term Limits for City Council | An ordinance establishing term limits for the Mayor of the City of London, Kentucky and establishing term limits for City of London council members. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-10 | Final Annexation of Property at State Highway 192 | An ordinance finally annexing an area of property in the right-of-way of State Highway 192, and private property owned by True Choice Development, LLC. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-11 | Rezoning Bimbo Bakeries Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. at 103 North Mill Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-12 | Final Annexation of Property by True Choice Development | An ordinance finally annexing an area of property in the right-of-way of State Highway 192 and private property owned by True Choice Development, LLC. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-13 | Repealing Personnel Policies and Procedures Ordinance | An ordinance of the City of London, Kentucky repealing Ordinance No. 2012-19 entitled "A comprehensive ordinance establishing personnel policies and procedures and repealing Ordinance No. 967 and repealing Ordinance No. 880 and establishing an ethics code for city employees and city officials in the City of London, Kentucky and establishing a pay and classification plan with authorized positions with assigned grade and salary scale and repealing and replacing the existing compensation plan" and establishing and adopting the personnel and pay classification plan for city employees of the City of London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-14 | Rezoning Brown Property | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Jack and Debbie Brown at 511 Sulfridge Drive, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-15 | Rezoning Sheffield Properties Inc. | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Sheffield Properties Inc. at 121 Mill Street, London, Kentucky. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-16 | Conditional Use of Commercial Property Zone for Recreational Vehicle Use | An ordinance establishing as a conditional use of commercial property zone, the conditional use known as recreational vehicle use or recreational vehicle park, conditions for recreational vehicle communities and parks in the City of London, Kentucky; plat requirements, minimum square feet requirements, minimum set back requirements, minimum distance from community street. | No file | Draft | |||
2022-17 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | No file | 2022-10-12 | 2022-10-13 | 2022-10-19 | Published |
2022-18 | Amending Ordinance 2020-15 - Cost of Shredding | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2020-15 entitled "An ordinance for curbside shredding services for businesses in the City of London" by changing the cost of shredding. | No file | Draft | |||
2023-02 | Establishing City Attorney Compensation | An ordinance establishing the reasonable compensation of city attorney: no retainer or salary; budget requirement; no restriction on hiring outside counsel and repealing other ordinances. | View | 2023-01-02 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-25 | Published |
2023-04 | Regulating Truck Traffic in Downtown London | An ordinance regulating truck traffic in downtown City of London, authorizing signage, intent of alternate route, exception for downtown deliveries, citations and fines, Code Enforcement Board, repeal, effective date. | View | 2023-01-02 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-25 | Published |
2023-05 | Creating London Business Development Board | An ordinance creating the London Business Development Board: purpose, appointments, budget authorization, grant writer authorization, and effective date. | View | 2023-01-02 | 2023-01-13 | 2023-01-25 | Published |
2023-03 | Recreating and Reestablishing London City Utility Commission | An ordinance recreating and reestablishing the London City Utility Commission and necessity thereof; establishing the number of commissioners, terms and conditions of appointment and requirements of commissioners; oath of office; insurance; quorum for meetings; removal from office; duties and responsibilities of the commission; guidelines, policies, budget, expenses and rates of service; approval of water rates and approval by council; financial authority; annual audit requirement; bidding and procurement practices; meeting dates and times; minutes of meetings; previous agreements, understandings and contracts; delegation of authority; severability; repealing prior ordinances and effective date. | View | 2023-02-06 | 2023-02-08 | 2023-02-15 | Published |
2023-06 | Intent to Annex CTA | An Ordinance of intent to Annex an area of property in the right-of-way of Kentucky State Route 25 and private property owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Transportation and CTA, LLC. | View | 2023-01-02 | 2023-03-06 | 2023-03-22 | Published |
2023-11 | Establishing Parks Lodgings and RV Use | An ordinance establishing parks lodgings as campgrounds and recreational vehicle use or recreational vehicle parks, requiring city council approval, definitions; conditions for recreational vehicles communities and parks in the City of London, Kentucky, minimum distance between each recreational vehicle, state approval, conflicting ordinances and effective date. | View | 2023-03-06 | 2023-05-01 | 2023-05-10 | Published |
2023-12 | Closing Unnamed Street Owned by SLC Solutions | An ordinance closing a portion of an undeveloped unnamed street in the City of London located on property owned by SLC Solutions, LLC. | View | 2023-02-06 | 2023-02-08 | 2023-02-15 | Published |
2023-13 | Intent to Annex 229 and 1006 | An Ordinance of Intent to Annex an area of property in the right of way of a portion of Kentucky State Route 229 and a portion of State Route 1006. | View | 2023-02-06 | 2023-03-06 | 2023-03-22 | Published |
2023-15 | Declaring Abandoned Urban Properties | An ordinance declaring abandoned urban properties as a separate class of real property; establishing the Vacant Properties Review Commission and assigning duties to the Code Enforcement Board; definitions; rate of taxation for abandoned urban properties; classification of property as abandoned urban property and right of appeal and appeal procedures. | View | 2023-05-01 | 2023-05-26 | 2023-05-31 | Published |
2023-20 | Amending Ordinance 2021-13 - Office of City Clerk | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2021-13 establishing the Office of City Clerk as non-elected appointed position, oath of office, bond requirement, responsibilities and duties, tax collection, duties of City Clerk as human resource officer, City Finance Officer, and City Treasurer and budget responsibilities. | View | 2023-04-10 | 2023-05-01 | 2023-05-10 | Published |
2023-21 | Prohibiting Use of Dynamic Braking System | An ordinance prohibiting the use of dynamic braking system in the City of London, definition, Code Enforcement Board, penalties for violations, effective date. | View | 2023-05-01 | 2023-05-26 | 2023-05-31 | Published |
2023-22 | Intent to Annex Property at Kentucky State Route 363 | An ordinance of intent to annex an area of property in the right of way of a portion of Kentucky State Route 363 (Keavy Road) and a portion of State Route 1006 (Old Whitley Road) and Laurel County. | View | 2023-05-01 | 2023-06-05 | 2023-06-12 | Published |
2023-23 | Rezoning Envious Properties | An ordinance rezoning property owned by Envious Properties, LLC located at 1207 West Fifth Street and amending zoning map. | View | 2023-05-01 | 2023-06-05 | 2023-06-14 | Published |
2023-24 | Amending Ordinance 2020-05 - Mobile Food Unit Vendors | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2020-05 \"An ordinance for mobile self-contained food unit vendors (food trucks) to operate in designated public areas and on private property and providing for licensing; compliance with ordinance and program requirements; hours of operation; insurance; all effective upon date of publication.\" | View | 2023-05-01 | 2023-06-05 | 2023-06-14 | Published |
2023-26 | Determining City Ownership and Maintenance Responsibility | An ordinance determining city ownership of streets, walls, and trees in the City of London and responsibility of maintenance, repair, removal, and replacement; tree trimming and removal on city street right-of-ways. | View | 2023-06-14 | 2023-07-03 | 2023-07-19 | Published |
2023-27 | Adopting Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget | An ordinance adopting a budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 by estimating revenues and resources and appropriating funds for the operation of city government. | View | 2023-06-05 | 2023-06-14 | 2023-06-21 | Published |
2023-35 | Final Annexation of Property at KY Route 25 and State Route 1006 | An ordinance finally annexing an area of property in the right-of-way of Kentucky State Route 25 and State Route 1006 owned by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Transportation and CTA, LLC. | View | 2023-08-23 | 2023-09-05 | 2023-09-13 | Published |
2023-36 | Final Annexation of Property at Intersection of 192 and Boggs Road | An ordinance finally annexing an area of property at the intersection of 192 (West Laurel Road) and Boggs Road (County Road 1252N). Saddlebrook | View | 2023-08-23 | 2023-09-05 | 2023-09-13 | Published |
2023-37 | Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance | An ordinance levying the annual ad valorem tax on real property, motor vehicles and motorboats and other personal property for city purposes in the corporate limits of London, Kentucky. | View | 2023-08-23 | 2023-10-02 | 2023-10-11 | Published |
2023-38 | East London Church Road Closing | An ordinance regarding the closing of East London Church Road. | View | 2023-10-13 | 2023-11-06 | 2023-11-15 | Published |
2023-41 | New Garbage Ordinance | An ordinance establishing a new garbage ordinance for the City of London. | View | 2023-11-06 | 2023-12-04 | 2023-12-13 | Published |
2024-01 | Reducing and Striking Boundaries of City of London | An ordinance finally reducing and striking the boundaries of the City of London, Kentucky and repealing Ordinances 2020-10 and 2020-17 in their entirety. | View | 2023-10-13 | 2023-11-06 | 2023-11-15 | Published |
2024-02 | Renaming Westinghouse Drive | An ordinance renaming Westinghouse Drive as Highlands Diversified Drive. | View | 2024-02-05 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-03-06 | Published |
2024-03 | Amending Ordinance 2016-10 - Establishing Cemetery Board | An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2016-10 and establishing the City of London Cemetery Board. | View | 2024-02-05 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-03-06 | Published |
2024-04 | Making Mountain Life Museum Road One Way with Walking Lane | An ordinance making Mountain Life Museum Road in the Levi Jackson City Park a one-way road with a walking lane. | View | 2024-02-05 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-03-06 | Published |
Ordinance Details
1st Reading:
2nd Reading:
Direct Link: View PDF
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