A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Wonderful Community!

As we embrace the vibrant energy of summer, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to the incredible community of the City of London. Your unwavering support, enthusiasm, and commitment have made our city a shining example of unity and progress.

This summer, we’re more excited than ever to continue our journey together. From community events and outdoor activities to local businesses and volunteer opportunities, there’s so much to look forward to. We are truly blessed to have such a dynamic and engaged community that continuously contributes to making our city a better place to live, work, and play.

Mayor Randall Weddle and the entire city extend their heartfelt thanks for your continued support. It’s your participation and positive spirit that drive our initiatives and help us achieve our shared goals. As we move forward, we are committed to fostering an inclusive, thriving environment where everyone can enjoy all the wonderful things our city has to offer.

Let’s make this summer unforgettable! Join us in celebrating our community’s achievements, exploring new opportunities, and creating lasting memories. Follow us on Facebook or on the homepage for exciting updates on upcoming events and activities, and don’t hesitate to reach out with your ideas and feedback. Together, we can make this season the best one yet.

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Here’s to a fantastic summer ahead!